About Darrel Andrews

I started learning the bricklaying trade at the age of sixteen. Two of my brothers and two of my cousins joined me along the journey.

We were trained by some of the world’s most finest bricklayers (my two Uncles, Dad and Granddad 🙂 )

They were some fun years.

At the age of 25 (I’m 30 at the time of this writing) I developed an interest in the world of online business, marketing and sales.

I enjoy online marketing, but I also don’t mind laying a few bricks and getting myself some vitamin D.

When I’m not laying bricks or working online, you can find us at the Tav having a few pints with friends, family and the fellow locals:

Wynnum Tavern LocalsI’m the Brickie in the middle 🙂

Contact Us

  • Kev – 0412 873 656
  • Steve – 0419 021 186
  • Darrel@AndrewsBricklaying.com.au
  • Based at: Keperra QLD 4054 | Manly West QLD 4179