Bricklaying Projects We’ve Done Throughout Brisbane

Over the last couple of months I’ve been stocking up on photos of the Bricklaying jobs that we’ve been doing throughout Brisbane.

So far I’ve uploaded five of them, it’s a work in progress…

Block Retaining Wall at Kenmore

Here’s a block base / retaining wall that we moved in on straight after the concreters’.

We had a dead start. There was no power, no water, and nothing was marked out.

Thankfully, the builder came to our rescue and supplied us with a generator, and helped us mark it out. The neighbors were also kind enough to let us use their tap.

The concrete footing was level and the starter bars were positioned correctly (it’s a rare thing with concreters’) So we got a lucky break there.

Anyway, the three of us knocked it over within the day.

Brick Carport (and Letterbox) at Ascot

Here’s a well executed carport that we did for Peter Green (Green Building Contractors) an excellent Brisbane builder who specializes in renovations.

Our first mission was finding bricks that matched the house – which can be a difficult task, especially with older houses.

The only brick company that had a match was from New South Wales. So it came at a price, but it was well worth it.

The bricks were not that easy to lay, because they were solid bricks (no holes) the mortar would quickly absorb onto the bricks. All good though as we ended up wetting them down before laying.

The bricks also came at different sizes, some were 10mm longer than others, and some were higher than others. This actually turned out to be a good thing as the brickwork perfectly matched the house.

Not only did we lay the bricks and blocks, but we also gave Peter a hand throughout most of the project..

We helped out with the concreting, the paving, delivering materials, we even helped out with some of the carpentry work.

Block Fence at Moorooka

Here’s a nice block fence that we did for Kris Armstrong (Armstrong Bricklaying) who is technically one of our competitors.

Since we have a good reputation throughout the bricklaying Brisbane community, we often get other bricklaying companies that provide us with work as well as bricklayers (on loan). We also do our best to return the favor.

On this occasion, Kris gave us this block fence to do, which we completed within the day.

Block House at Bowen Hills

Block Retaining Wall at Camp Hill

Contact Us

  • Steve – 0419 021 186
  • Kev – 0412 873 656
  • Based at: Keperra QLD 4054 | Manly West QLD 4179